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Home Purchases


Are you a First Time Buyer?

Home inspectors, realtors, appraisers, and mortgage brokers will all be needed to assist you to buy your first home. As the most referred mortgage broker in the FRASER VALLEY, you will want to call us or chat live online and find out what simple philosophy sets us apart from other mortgage brokers.

Clarity and affordability is our goal when we meet face-to-face, and there is no appointment waiting list since we work 24/7, let's meet on your time, day or night.

As a first-time buyer, you need to surround yourself with a solid team to help you navigate this exciting time. Try asking your parents and friends for referrals for your best results. We believe in referrals and the majority of our new clients are referred to us, hence the name: BROWNE Mortgages + More



When families move and purchase a new home, they often experience undue stress. We can help. Our easy-to-understand process has evolved with the internet over the last several years. As an easy-going group with a noble purpose, we are using our technology and flexibility to challenge the status quo and deliver satisfaction



Did you know you could buy a second home in Canada with as little as 5% down – Calling all dreamers and memory makers! How does a second property downtown sound to make the daily commute easier? Or a second house used by your children during their education, instead of wasting money on rent?

The second home property purchase usually provides you with some sort of peace of mind. We can help. Our easy-to-understand process has evolved with the internet over the last several years. As an easy-going group with a noble purpose, we are using our technology and flexibility to challenge the status quo and deliver satisfaction.



Owning an investment property happens to be a passion that we have and love to share with others. Not only can we finance these types of purchases but we own them ourselves so we understand how they can help you realize your dreams!

Heard of the Smith Maneuver or The Tax Deductible Mortgage? Investment Properties are the perfect tool to allow you to try these tax plans. We can help.

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