As Fraser Valley Mortgages Brokers, we’ve decided to give you all an easy read on everything you need to know about B-lenders & Private Mortgages.
Most of us are vaguely aware of private mortgages, although B Lender Mortgages & Private Mortgages are the fastest-growing segments in the Canadian mortgage industry because they’re much easier to qualify for than the A-side.
Consolidations – doing a debt consolidation lifts the burden of debt but also helps lift your credit score, which will get you back to the best rates on the markets.
Stated Income – There are cutbacks on self-employed lending for those who do not “claim” enough income. If you’re a self-employed individual, the more you write off the less of a mortgage you will qualify for. Give short-term capital while figuring out income.
Construction Financing – Banks have tightened up on construction financing leaving fewer options.
CRA Debt– Most Banks will not let you use a mortgage to pay off CRA debt. If you have CRA Debt, you must pay that off before applying for your mortgage.