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January 15, 2019

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Is it just us or does anyone else feel like there were a few things that would’ve been very helpful to know when making the transition from high school to adulthood? Once you’re out on your own you quickly learn about responsibilities you didn’t know existed, things such as taxes, credit, banking, saving, budgeting, and even how to simply write a cheque.

In-school training

This past Wednesday we’re lucky enough to present in front of the grade 12 students of Mrs. Wiebe’s class. We spent an hour teaching them tactics to ensure they have excellent credit ratings starting right from the start. It was important to show them that buying a house is something to get excited about. We were impressed with the engagement level in the room and the in-depth questions presented by the students. Hopefully, they were able to take at least one piece of advice away from our visit. We look forward to educating more students in our community along the way. Thank you for having us, Mrs. Wiebe!
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